The City of New York


New York Visualizes 6 Feet


I helped identify the insight that cracked open this pro-bono opportunity. I also helped curate the list of iconic New York items that would be featured in the content.


The Concept

6ft is not a standard unit of measurement, and therefore a hard directive to follow.

To help New Yorkers better understand the concept of staying 6ft apart, we found instantly recognizable features and quirks of New York City that are 6ft. Together, The New York Times and The City of New York created a memorable PSA.


The Digital Experience

The content on the digital sight continued the fun, playing heavily into the illustrations and keeping the text light. We wanted to acknowledge the Covid restriction fatigue while still clearly articulating the importance of staying 6 ft apart.


The Posters

Posters were put up across the city so individuals who did not subscribe to The New York Times could also see the message.

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The Artist

We partnered with Mike Perry to capture the fun and playful spirit of New York City.


User Discovery

We created assets that lived across The New York Times homepage, twitter and instagram. When users clicked to learn more they were taken to the custom digital experience. On twitter these assets were animated.

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The City

From pigeons to pizza, we captured it all.


The Print Experience

Every New York Times subscriber in NYC had a bright and vibrant print wrap delivered to their homes. The execution was joyous and inviting.

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The Result

Influential New Yorkers retweeted, reposted and couldn’t stop buzzing about this PSA.


The Talent

Celebrities signed off immediately to be featured.